When people think about Scholarships, chances are they think about Students and Colleges, not dollars. The fact is that much of the success that RSF has achieved can be attributed directly to the support that RSF receives. As a Non-Profit Educational and Athletic Organization for Student Athletes in Palm Beach County, Fundraising provides a steady source of funding. It allows us to provide quality programs and serve more Student Athletes (especially Low Income, Single Parent and Guardian Ad Litem-in hard to serve communities) and maintain overall operations and support day-to-day program operations.
Your Investment in our quality programs will forever change the lives of the Student Athletes we serve. Without your support we could not fulfill our
mission of “Preparing Youth and Student Athletes to make Ethical and Moral choices over their lifetime”. This mission is the centerpiece of our movement as we cultivate the future leaders of tomorrow. They alone are America’s future. I.E. Presidents, CEO’s, Scientists, Professional Athletes and successful people from all other walks of life. On behalf of RSF Board Staff and Student Athletes we serve, thank you for your generosity.